2. Italian Artists in Holland

A list can quickly be compiled of the few Italian artists who worked in Holland (excluding the younger ones who wished to train there). A certain Octaviaen del Ponte (before 1564-1645) [i] and Laurens Baratta (died after 1657)[i] were in Utrecht at the beginning of the century.39 Carlo Francesco Angeli is known to have been in Amsterdam in 1654 before moving to Antwerp the following year.40 Very little is known about these three artists.

Laurens Barata  
Southern landscape with ruin on an hill (1627 - 1657)
black chalk / paper, 120 x 170 mm
lower right :  B
Prentenkabinet van de Universiteit (Leiden), Leiden, no. AW 181

Octaviaen del Ponte  
The Holy Family with saints John the Baptis and John the Evangelist dated 1600
oil paint / canvas, 90.7 x 119.9 cm
bottom left of the middle :  OCTAVIAEN. / [OCT]AVIAEN
below, right of the middle :  DAL PONTE / DAL.PONTE
topside, left of the middle :  AGNUS DEI 1600
Centraal Museum, Utrecht (city), no. 2463

Jacob da Carpi (Verona 1685 - Amsterdam 1755) [i] went to Amsterdam as a young man, was taught by Arnold Boonen and subsequently moved to The Hague, where he became naturalised.41 He did not take any Dutch art back to Italy. Nor did Antonio Pellegrini (1675-1741), who painted ceilings in the Mauritshuis in 1718, the Italian style of which still can be studied in situ [i].42 Pellegrini had previously been employed at the court in Düsseldorf and later went on to work in Antwerp and then England. He was thus instrumental in the dissemination of Italian art. Like Jacopo Amigoni (1682-1752) and Angelo Carboni (c. 1701/15-after 1782), Pellegrini was a genuine itinerant artist who moved from one court to the next, staying wherever he received lucrative offers. Thomas Ferdinand Joseph Bianchi (1767-1835), a native of Amsterdam, was probably of Italian extraction. For the sake of completeness, mention must also be made of Antonio Bartholomaeï from Venice, who stayed in Leeuwarden in 1622,43 and of the architect Pier Maria Baldi (c. 1630-1686). The latter accompanied Cosimo III of Tuscany on his second journey to Holland in 1668/69 and drew 18 vedute of Dutch cities in his travel journal [i].44 We can now happily take our leave of these few Italians and turn our attention to the Dutch artists in Italy.

Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini  
Interior of the Golden Room of the Mauritshuis, The Hague completed in 1718
? x ? cm
Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen Mauritshuis, The Hague

Jacob de Wit  
Portrait of Jacob da Carpi (1685-1755) (1710 - 1754)
black chalk / paper, 427 x 313 mm
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, no. RP-T-1892-A-2490

Pier Maria Baldi  
Panorama of the city Utrecht from the northwest dated 1669
pencil (drawing and writing equipment) / paper, 205 x 989 mm
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence


39 [Leeuwen/Sman 2019] For links to archival documents on Laurens Baratta (Lazart Baratta Romanus), who married Anniekjen van Harlenbergh in Utrecht in 1630: Baratta in Ecartico (consulted November 2019).

40 [Leeuwen/Sman 2019] According to Fabiani possibly identical to the Flemish painter Francesco de Lignis (Fabiani 1961, p. 135).

41 [Leeuwen/Sman 2019] Actually he was only shortly in The Hague in 1721 and active mainly as an art dealer in Amsterdam, where he died.

42 [Gerson 1942/1983] Martin/Schneider 1935, p. 250; Goering 1937-1938. [Leeuwen/Sman 2019] Aikema/Mijnlieff 1993.

43 [Gerson 1942/1983] Straat 1925, p. 85.

44 [Gerson 1942/1983] Hoogewerff 1919, p. 222. [Leeuwen/Sman 2019] Another little-known artist who moved to the Netherlands is Hieronymus Lapis (c. 1723-1798) from Venice. The Venetian landscape painter Marco Ricci is known to have visited Holland in 1708 and 1712 (Gerson 1942/1983, p. 190 and Vivian 1971, p. 24).